I was talking to a friend of mine a week or so before my breast augmentation surgery, and she stated that she didn't see why I would want to go under the knife. That being a child of the Goddess, I was perfect the way I was. I thought about what she said. And it really had me starting to doubt the choice I made about having this surgery. Was I really perfect?
Since I was a teenager, and puberty was none too kind to me, I always saw myself as this rogue beast. I was too skinny. I didn't have the softer curves that all the other girls had, that the boys were just drooling over. I had hairy arms and legs...and the list just went on and on. Then to add on top of that, the reinforcement of my physical insecurities by my peers and even by my own family created this filter of "ugliness" that I always saw every time I looked into a mirror. And I still struggle with trying to look past that "filter" and see my true self, today.
In the end, I chose to physically change myself (not make myself "perfect") to show on the outside what had taken over 20 years for me to feel on the inside. And that was beautiful...sexy...and complete. Don't get me wrong. I still have some areas of myself that after child birth, and hormonal changes that I would like to get corrected before the year is out, but the one change I have made already was my first step through the looking glass to seeing me...the true me, and that piece of the beautiful Divine within.
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