Yet another dream happened today. My dreaming was abruptly interrupted last night by the barely 1 year old girl in the apartment next door to me. Her incessant screaming for over an hour last night, while it felt like her parents were doing absolutely nothing, truly ticked me off and completely wore me out. But there was nothing I could do except lay there in bed until I could finally go back to sleep. I woke up this morning to the kids banging on our bedroom door, the new kitten and both of my other cats making the apartment their own personal playground, and my mother calling me to order her some earrings and a bracelet from HSN because her paranoia is so great that she refuses to get online or call in to order the shit herself. She rather I do it, and then she reimburses me...
Anyway, when I was finally able to close my eyes and rest for about 30 maybe 40 mins (Chris and the kids were down stairs at the pool), I dreamt I was at some camping site or forest reserve where they have camping. It sorta reminded me of Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts camping area but bigger. I started off on a farm property, and walked down a path to a to an open field area that had another path running across it and then nothing but forest in front of me. I was following three people, but there were other people running, giggling, having fun and running into the woods. One of the people I was following was blindfolded. He was being led by a young woman. There was another woman with them. The one who was leading him asked him if he wanted to continue, because if he did there was no turning back. He stopped, turned in one direction then back to her and nodded his head yes. They continued into the thick green blackness of the woods, and I was right on their heels.
We came upon a Big cabin like structure. It was warmly lit inside and out, and there were big glass windows fit into the reddish brown wood logs of the structure. We went inside and there were people all around. The were eating and having fun and socializing. a few minutes later everyone started to run out front. I followed but did not go out. I stood with some others who were dressed in blue capes with rainbows on the back. As the doors opened again I saw everyone in fun costumes some with half masks on, some with just costumes and painted faces, and outlandish hair, but the all had the blue capes with rainbows on the back. I saw my former boss, Stride by. I chuckled to myself because I was surprised seeing her there, but at the same time, not really.
I sat down in a big comfy chair (also the same color blue of the capes), and two women came over to me. I don't remember what the younger one looked like, but the older one stood out to me. She was of average height, kinda heavy set/jolly, looked like she was in her 50's, and had shoulder length curly red hair. we were talking for a bit, and finally she told me to call her Cailly. She said she had tried to get in contact with me while she was locked up, but wasn't able to. She then went on to tell me that she saw my business online and liked it but said that I was going about it the wrong way. That I needed to have my own separate site and not where I have it now. I quickly shot her down and said that my business was doing fine where it was and that my main issue was just marketing. Once I got the marketing going the way I needed to it would pick up better. But what got me was that I lied to her and told her I had someone developing a website for me off of Google's online business network. Just when she was getting ready to respond, that is when the phone rang again, and I woke up...My mother calling about that damn jewelry again.
It took me all of 5 mins after getting off the phone with my mother, still groggy as all hell to get up and research the images in this dream. At first, I started looking for Orishas with red hair, but nothing came up. Then I decided to look up goddesses with the name Cailly. As soon as I typed in "goddess caill..." Google's smart search pulled up the goddess Cailleach. She is supposedly another aspect of my patron goddess, Brighid. Where Brighid rules over the light half of the year, Cailleach rules over the dark half.
What got me though was that when I was reading more about her, I saw that in one version of her story, as Brighid takes control of the year around Beltaine, Cailleach is turned into stone or, locked away in stone..."I tried contacting you while I was locked up, but..." I had chills running through me while I read that.
I sat wondering what else I could decipher from this dream. The prominent rainbow symbols that were on the back of every one's capes/cloaks made me think of the Orisha, Oya. My Santera told me yesterday that she thought I was more a child of Oya than of Yemaya. As I researched Cailleach more, I found out that she is a goddess of death. She ushers in the change, and move out those things that are no longer needed while finding and holding on to those precious seeds of life that are left behind. Much like Oya. She provides the breath of life at birth, and to her it returns at death.
I went to go see the "Old Man", John, at Magick Cauldron today. I had to. With everything that has been happening, and until I can go see the man who will give me my Ifa consultation, I need as much sage advice as possible. John looked floored about my dream concerning Elegua, and he seemed very interested in the dream I just had today. He ended up getting me a mixed oil to use tonight to help me open up and be able to interpret any further dreams that I end up having.
As I walked around his store, the first thing that caught my eye was a silver pendant with the Veve of Maman Brigitte on it. I wanted that pendant. I felt I had to have it. Like it belonged with me. But, I didn't get it. But I know before this upcoming week is out, It will be mine. Anyway, I asked John if he could look up Maman Brigette for me, and everything that she is matches up with Oya, Cailleach, and Brighid. What was said to me yesterday at the botanica seems to be ringing true...I am a child of Oya. I am a child of Brighid, so why wouldn't I be the child of her African face as well.
As more stuff is revealed to me, the more at ease I feel. The better I feel about all of this. I told John before I left, that years ago when I felt ready for all of this, I guess the Divine knew deep down I wasn't. And now, with everything that has been going on in my life, and I feel less than ready to walk out my front door, much less deal with all the Divine is throwing my way, I AM actually ready to start handling it. Go figure.
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