Last night was the same as the previous nights. I was dreaming again.
And even though I don't remember most of it, I remember a woman talking to me. I can remember whether or not she physically guided me to what has been an indelible image burned in my minds eye or not, but I know I was guided to it one way or another.
The image is of a potted ivy plant. And from what I can gather, it is an English Ivy. A beautiful emerald green color with three points on it leaves (no people, not three leaves per section...that would be poison ivy). the vines vines and leave grew upwards from the pot in a beautiful lace type of pattern. But there was one large leaf that sat regally in the lower center of this nature made tapestry.
So, as usual, I woke up pulled out my phone, and Googled "Goddess" + "ivy," and this is what came up:
The power of the Ivy lies in its ability to cling and bind, making it a potent symbol of determination and strength to the Druids. Ivy has been known to strangle trees and was once a portent of death and spiritual growth. Being evergreen in nature, the Ivy represented the perennial aspects of the human psyche. The Celts associated Ivy with their Lunar Goddess, Arianrhod, and their ritual to this deity marked the opening of the portal to the OtherWorld...or the Dark Side of the Moon. This door symbolized an entrance to the Realm of Faery and thus, the Ivy was representative of the mysterious and the mystical. Ivy was once carried by women for good luck and used to aid in fertility. When used correctly, it was said to heal headaches, muscle cramps and assist in the art of prophecy. Ivy was symbolic of the journey of the soul and the spiral toward to the self. It encouraged assistance toward others in their search so that they, in turn, might offer assistance...Since ancient times, the Vine and the Ivy have been regarded as enemies. If the Vine, through intoxication, released prophetic powers, then the Ivy, in contrast, was a means of communicating with inner resources, bestowing upon an individual the ability to see through the eyes of the soul and beyond the everyday world.
I feel like this symbol was shown to me to let me know that I am on the right path in concerns to my spiritual growth. That I have found and can now open the door to my inner self as well as to the Divine. I say this because for the past couple of nights, I have prayed to the Goddess telling her that I was ready and not scared off by the things I have been shown so far. Last night I prayed and told her that I was ready for what it was I needed to be shown. I was ready to make this journey. Ever heard of that old adage, be careful what you wish for? (LOL!) Well I am not too worried about it. I am actually looking forward to dreaming again tonight. I feel like I have started to learn more stuff about myself that seemed so hidden away that I would have never been able to access it.
As I lay here in bed, I looked around my bedroom and saw it differently. It was like it was my room, but it was different somehow...like I was seeing it with new eyes (if that makes any sense). I wonder how things are going to look to when when I finally get ready for the day and go outside. Will the blue of the sky seem bluer? The greens greener? The sounds seem more like a well organized symphony to me instead of just the usual everyday noise I had always considered it? We will see, but for now, I think I am going to throw on my robe and go out onto my patio garden and enjoy the bit of nature that the Goddess has gifted me to be able to grow.
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